Basic Bread Loaf

Basic Bread Loaf Recipe Combine yeast, water, and sugar and let set a few minutes until yeast froths. Knead with a dough hook in a mixer bowl on low, or […]

Basic Bread Loaf Recipe

Combine yeast, water, and sugar and let set a few minutes until yeast froths. Knead with a dough hook in a mixer bowl on low, or knead by hand, for 5-8 minutes. Cover the bowl and set aside for 45 minutes to rise.

Butter and flour in a bread loaf pan. Take the risen dough, knead down, and form a rectangle, slightly larger than the loaf pan. Roll from the short edge into a spiral, shape the dough into a loaf shape, and place in the pan. Heat oven to 375° F and bake for 45 minutes, rotating halfway through.

  • 7g yeast
  • 1 1/3 cup warm water
  • 3 Tbsp. sugar or honey
  • 1 1/4 tsp. salt
  • 2 Tbsp. melted butter
  • 4 1/3 cups (550 grams) bread flour